Teachers training

The training program for high school teachers aims to prepare them for teaching about the environment.

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Teachers training in environmental teaching

In May 2024, we begun our collaboration with the Senior High School of the University of San Carlos (USC-SHS). The agreement involves 3-year project of training all teachers in the school in the area of biodiversity conservation. Simultaneously, the selected teachers will take over the conduct of trainings after being trained themselves (“Training of Trainers (ToT)” approach). In July 2024 the first training have started for 36 teachers of biology, physics, chemistry, but also other subjects such as religion, physical education or literature.

Teachers training in a nutshell

How do we operate and what do we want to achieve with the activities for teachers?

  • Expanding the knowledge of the teaching staff about the biodiversity and environment of the Visayas region
  • 40 hours of practical knowledge and teaching techniques that will help teachers to conduct interesting classes
  • Selection of environmental ambassadors for the Visayas region

Training for teachers from the Visayas region

In the absence of a golden mean to improve the catastrophic state of our environment, there is an urgent need to educate a generation aware of the current state of different ecosystems and how to improve it. It is impossible to share knowledge about biodiversity with every student, so it is the teachers who are essential in this process. Therefore, we want to help teachers in the Visayas region to become key ambassadors for biodiversity in their communities.

The programme aims to increase environmental knowledge and improve the way it is conveyed to students in day-to-day teaching. We have prepared a series of five training sessions and individual teacher work for a total of 40 hours. The sessions include theory, practical tasks, discussions and demonstration techniques, structured to be as interactive and interesting for teachers as possible.

Training for teachers

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