Our projects

Check out the projects of Kahibalo Foundation that focus on education and environmental protection.

Kahibalo » Our projects

Projects of Kahibalo Foundation

To fulfill our mission we have started various programs that focus on environmental education, which we believe is crucial for preserving biodiversity. Our flagship program is an education course aimed at the improvement of teachers environmental knowledge and competences through a curriculum specially tailored to the Filipino context. This program is just at the pilot stage and is planned to be fully rolled out on the entire Province in time. We don’t just want to impose our pre-designed curriculum on teachers, we also want to listen to them. We therefore wish to employ research to help us figuring out what is needed and how it should be delivered to in-service teachers.

Education and nature protection

In order to raise the awareness of this situation and to further enhance the educational attainment of our students, we have devised a two streamed approach. Aware that the sole focus on in-service teachers would not be a remedy to the situation in itself and thanks to virtual opportunities available nowadays, we can connect high school students between Filipino Islands and even beyond through our Biodiversity Conservation Course, where students can meet, interact and collaborate in a virtual space.

Finally, we never forget our main goal – to protect Filipino wildlife! In order to do that, we do not only need environmentally aware Filipinos, but we need to know about wildlife as well. Thus, through collaboration with the local universities we train students to carry out field research on various topics to bring up the next generation of high-quality Filipino scientists!

More about our projects!

We are currently running several projects related to education and environmental protection.

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Projekty Fundacji Kahibalo - Kurs bioróżnorodności dla liceum
Współpraca z Fundacją Kahibalo - Julie i Filip

Future plans

At Kahibalo Foundation we look forward to the future with hope and we are already planning new projects. Here is what we would like to achieve sooner or later:

  • A research project on teachers’ knowledge, practices and teaching about biodiversity
    We not only want to educate, but also to improve the education process itself. Therefore, we have developed an outline for a research project to improve the professional development of primary and high school teachers. Using qualitative and quantitative techniques, we want to discover the real needs of teachers, as well as their actual knowledge on wildlife and biodiversity. The results will help us improve wildlife education in the Philippines.
  • Design and distribution of educational materials
    The word is not the only weapon at the teacher’s disposal. Education is more effective if it uses additional materials and stimuli. We are well aware of this and therefore we are planning to create some interesting materials. We already have in mind stories about tarsiers and colugos for the youngest children. We have also pre-designed environmental games, which we would like to materialise and give away at schools. But it’s not over yet!
  • Rebuilding the research and education station in Subayon village
    The story of Kahibalo Foundation began in the village of Subayon, where Filip lived in a field station. Thanks to it, all studies (already published or in the process of being published) were executed. Unfortunately, the station was first abandoned during the pandemic and later destroyed by Typhoon Odette in 2021. Today, the station is uninhabitable or unusable. It consists of several huts, an office, staff space and an outdoor kitchen. Thanks to this station, it has all started, so we want to repay it by returning its former glory! Ultimately, it will be used for ecological research and educational activities.
  • Fieldwork for schools and universities
    If we can rebuild the station in Subayon, we will be able to invite local pupils and students to experience all the topics they (hopefully!) learn within the school walls. We want to conduct practical classes on ecological and hevaioural research methods as well as native flora and fauna species identification in the field.
  • Campaigns promoting a sustainable tourism approach
    Nature is in a catastrophic state. We contribute to this state day by day. One of our destructive activities is tourism, especially mass tourism. The tarsiers and other emblematic animals around the world suffer from it. We would like to work with the Bohol authorities and promote a healthier tourism approach that benefits animals.