
Become our partner in preserving biodiversity!

KahibaloHow to helpPartnership

Become our partner!

We are constantly looking for partners who have the means (not only financial) and opportunities to help us achieve the Foundation’s goals. In particular, we are looking for universities, zoos and companies with a mission similar to ours, but as it happens in Foundations – any help will be worth its weight in gold. We invite you to cooperate!

About Kahibalo Foundation

Kahibalo Foundation consists of people who are in love with Philippine nature and who are aware that the biodiversity conservation in every corner of the globe is one of the most pressing actions that must be taken to preserve our world as it is! We believe that reliable education on many levels and holistic research on biodiversity related topics are they key. We are currently running several projects, including teacher training in environmental education and biodiversity courses in high schools in the Visayas region. We have also started research on tarsiers and colugos in the municipality of Anda, Bohol. We are constantly looking for partners who will help us in carrying out our mission!

Julie i Filip z Fundacji Kahibalo

Cooperation with zoos

How can you help? If you represent a zoo, you can support us in several ways, including: sending your environmental educators to us. Thanks to this, we will increase the number of Filipino teachers who will take part in the training and prepare them better for further educational activities. Or maybe your staff conducts in-situ conservation or research projects? Such a person could at least remotely conduct a remote lecture for students about the work they do, showing the interesting work of a biologist. This would certainly encourage further studies in biology and environmental protection.

What can we do for you? We are happy to conduct classes for your employees in the field of species endemic to the Philippines. We also have many ideas for joint research and educational projects. Of course, any other form of long-term cooperation is welcome – contact us to find a common area of interest.

Cooperation with universities

How can you help? If you work at a university or other higher education institution, you can support us by sending your students or researchers to join the ongoing projects on tarsiers and colugos. This action will help us expanding our scope of activities and will be a unique experience for people associated with the university. Or maybe you have an idea for something completely new in Bohol? Ping us!

What can we do for you? We will prepare an internship plan and help in its implementation, and based on joint research, we can prepare a series of lectures for students at your university.

Invite us to your school!

We will be happy to prepare classes for high school students. Depending on the location, we can conduct them in person at your school or online.

Cooperation with companies

How can you help? If you run a company and our ideas are close to your heart, you can also help! Maybe your products would be useful in our work? These can be flashlights, power banks, clothing for field research – anything that will make the work of our students easier. Maybe you have a printing house that would help in the preparation of educational materials? Or maybe you want to help Filipinos developing their local business? Let us know – we will help as liaisons!

What can we do for you? For any help, we will repay you with posts in social media and we will try to make the news about your products reaching as many people as possible.

Our partners

Cooperation with Kahibalo Foundation

The University of San Carlos in Cebu City has been supporting our activities since Filip was a PhD student and we are proud to call it our partner to this day. We also managed to start cooperation with the municipality of Anda, where, with the great support of the Holy Name University – CeMSS station, we started another research project. What is more, the John M. Hyland Institute of Learning, Inc. in Lapu-Lapu City is our partner in the implementation of the biodiversity conservation course for high schools, and soon, also in the organization of teacher training. Join the group of our partners!