Support us on regular basis or make an one-time donation!
If you think that Filipino biodiversity is extremely beautiful and you would like to see it preserved for the next generations, then we are on the same page! Your kind donation would help to spread our educational and research activities beyond Bohol and give employment to Filipinos. Even though we focus on the Philippines, your help does not only concern this one Asian country, because ecosystem balance is crucial for each and everyone of us! Your donation will help Kahibalo Foundation to accomplish its mission and goals!
How will we use your money?
We guarantee that 100% of your financial support will be spent on educational and research activities in the Philippines and Europe! Employment of a local full-time Filipino would cost around 400 USD per month. However, smaller amount can also make changes – here are a few examples how will your support can be used:
For 2.5 $ we can provide one-night accommodation to students in the Anda Municipality to carry out their field research.
For 8$ we can travel to the very isolated and remote villages where you are most likely to find tarsiers and colugos we study.
With this amount, we are able to pay for a daily wage for a local assistant, which not only helps us with our research, but also supports the local community.
Finally, 50$ can help us can pay a wage to a local educator for organisation and delivery of physical training for teachers or the local community..
How can you support us?
You can support Kahibalo Foundation through direct donation to our bank account or via Patreon platform.

Donation to our bank account
You can donate as much as you like in one go or support us on a monthly basis. Please write in the title of the transfer: “Donation for Kahibalo Foundation goals accomplishment” or the name of the project for which you want to give us your support for.

Support through Patreon
Become our patron – you can support us with a small amount (from as little as 2.5$ + VAT), which we will receive every month.
Patreon is a crowdfunding platform that was created for artists – primarily musicians and comic book creators. Over time, non-profit organizations (such as our Foundation) started to use it as well. Today, Patreon connects more than 8 million people who use the platform to support their chosen cause.
What else you can do?
Money (even though so important!) isn’t everything – you can help us in other ways too!

If you have the capacity to support us in developing research and scientific projects, get back to us – we are open for collaboration!

Would you like to take an active part in the Philippine wildlife conservation? There are many ways to use your skills!

Your voice
Share information about our Foundation on your social media to share our mission to as many people as possible!